To secure a place on one or more of our Text and Context, Creative Writing and Theatre & Performance courses, and to guarantee accommodation, we advise you to apply as early as possible. Application Deadline: 25th April 2025
You can register for all SUISS courses and book accommodation in Edinburgh by downloading the relevant application form. Please note that applicants are required to make a £100 deposit at the time of submitting an application form (scholarship applicants exempt). Please visit the Payment page of our website for further details on how to do this.
Application forms
Download an application form using the links below. Applications should be submitted by email only to the Administrative Manager at All applicants will be informed of the result of their application within one month of applying.
Text and Context Application
Creative Writing Application
Theatre & Performance Application
*If applying for an English-Speaking Union TLab Scholarship, please proceed to our ESU Applications page.
Text & Context / Theatre & Performance application requirements
- Completed application form
- One reference letter, either from an academic institution or an employer familiar with your work, and who can certify your fluency in English
- Passport-style photo
- Supporting documents: If you are applying for a scholarship, please include a letter demonstrating why you are an excellent candidate for a scholarship
- You should also ensure you have sufficient funds in your account to make a £100 deposit (scholarship applications exempt)
- Regular Application Deadline: 25th April 2025
- Scholarship Application Deadline: 28th March 2025
Creative Writing application requirements
- Completed application form
- One reference letter, either from an academic institution or an employer familiar with your work, and who can certify your fluency in English
- Passport-style photo
- Supporting documents: Written sample of work: EITHER a single work of prose or drama (max. 3,000 words) or a selection of poetry (max. 50 lines)
- If you are applying for a scholarship, please include a letter demonstrating why you are an excellent candidate for a scholarship
- You should also ensure you have sufficient funds in your account to make a £100 deposit (scholarship applications exempt)
- Regular Application Deadline: 25th April 2025
- Scholarship Application Deadline: 28th March 2025