Maria Alonso Alonso (Creative Writing 2012) published her debut novel, Despois do Cataclismo (in the Galician language), with Urco Editora. Maria has also published short stories in anthologies including Plug & Play, Contos Estranos, Madrygal, and Elipse. Maria was awarded second prize of The XXXVIII Modesto R. Figueiredo, one of the most prestigious literary prizes in Galicia, for one of her short stories in the Galician language.
Rizwan Akhtar, one of our 2014 Contemporary Literature students, has been published in the Cartagena Journal. View his poem here.
Cristina Bresser, a creative writing student in 2016, has published her first novel, Quase tudo é risível (Almost everything is laughable), with Benfazeja (2016).
Sheri Benning (SUISS 2006) was published in the collection Breathing Fire 2. Canada’s New Poets (eds. Lorna Crozier & Patrick Lane, Nightwood Editions 2004). Her poetry collection Thin Moon Psalm appeared with Brick Books in 2007.
Marina Cano (SUISS 2005/6) has published Jane Austen and Performance (Palgrave 2017), the first exploration of the performative and theatrical force of Austen’s work and its afterlife, from the nineteenth century to the present.
Marina Cano and Rosa García-Periago (SUISS 2005/6) have edited Jane Austen and William Shakespeare: A Love Affair in Literature, Film and Performance (Palgrave 2019). The collection reflects on the historical, literary, critical and filmic links between the authors and their fates.
Sampurna Chattarji (CWIT winner, SUISS 2005) published a collection of poetry entitled Sight May Strike You Blind (Sahitya Akademi, 2007) as well as the novel The Land of the Well (Harper Collins, 2008).
Diana Finch’s The Story of Craighouse School was published in 2012. SUISS tutor, Jane Alexander, helped her edit the book for publication.
Lucia Gaggero (Lucy J. Hamilton) published her first novel, Milan to Tokyo (available on Amazon).
Aruni Kashyap (CWIT winner, SUISS 2009) published widely before and after he came to SUISS. His latest poetry collection, Grandma-lullabies (Sahitya Akademi) has been released and he signed with Penguin (India), who published his first novel, The House With a Thousand Novels, in 2012.
Carissa Marks (SUISS 2009) published her first novel, Confessions of a Rebel Child (2011) with CreateSpace.
Maria Milisavlijevic (SUISS 2009), former John McGrath Scholarship winner, won the the Kleist Promotion Award 2013 in Germany for her play Brandung. It was produced as a co-production of the Deutsches Theater, Berlin and the Ruhr Festival Recklinghausen in Germany and premiered on 5 June 2013. It can be ordered over S. Fischer Verlag Germany.
Swati Pal (John McGrath scholar 2005) published the edited collection Modern European Drama: Ibsen to Beckett in 2012 (New Delhi: Pencraft International), exploring the work of Ibsen, Strindberg, Brecht, Ionesco, Genet and Beckett.
Daniel Perry (SUISS 2002) published his first collection of short stories, Hamburger (2016) with Thistledown Press. His second collection, Nobody Looks That Young Here, is due out in 2018 with Guernica Editions. Since his time at SUISS, Daniel's stories have been published in more than 30 magazines and anthologies in Canada, the US, the UK, and the Czech Republic.
Michael Pogach, a SUISS student in 2002 and student host in 2003, had his debut novel, The Spider in the Laurel published by Ragnarok Publications.
Swetha Prakash (CWIT winner, SUISS 2007) won the prestigious Jura Malt Whisky New Writer Retreat in 2009 (her Jura Diary can be found here). Her short story ‘Shadows’ was published in the Scottish Book Trust Anthology Spirit of Jura (2010). Her illustrated children’s story Padma Goes to Space , which developed from work she did at SUISS, was published by Tulika Books in 2011.
Chloe Schama (SUISS 2004) published her novel Wild Romance: The True Story of a Victorian Scandal (Bloomsbury, 2010), and read at the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
Ann Sellberg (SUISS 2011) won first prize in the Swedish medical journal Läkartidningen‘s annual short story competition, for one of her Swedish short stories.
Lisa Shafer (SUISS 2003) had her short story ‘Keeping Secrets’ published in Mslexia (2004).
Pilar Somacarrera, our 2013 Saltire Scholar, edited Made in Canada, Read in Spain. Essays on the Translation and Circulation of English-Canadian Literature. London: Versita, 2013. She has also published "Looking at America from Edinburgh Castle: postcolonial dislocations in Alice Munro’s and Ann-Marie MacDonald’s Scottish Fictions,” in Ian Brown, David Clark and Rubén Jarazo-Álvarez (eds.), Taking Liberties. Scottish Literature and Expressions of Freedom. [Occasional Papers Series 21 Number 21. Glasgow: Scottish Literature International, 2016. ISBN 978-1-908980-21-2.]
Susan Wilson (SUISS 2005) presented her annotated edition of correspondence between Hugh MacDiarmid and Sorley MacLean (published by Edinburgh University Press) at the 2010 Edinburgh International Book Festival.
Federica Aceto (Italy)
Smith, Ali. Hotel World, Minimum Fax (2004).
Rosa Arruto (Spain)
Mcnay, Mark. Under Control.
Bajo Control – Plata Ediciones, Barcelona 2009.
Boriana Djanabetska (Bulgaria)
Faber, Michel. The Crimson Petaland the White and The Apple, EDNOROG Publishing House, Sofia, Bulgaria. “Аленото цвете и бялото” “Ябълката”
Gray, Alasdair. Lanark and Old Men in Love, EDNOROG Publishing House, Sofia, Bulgaria. “Ланарк” “Стари влюбени мъже”
McCall Smith, Alexander. The SundayPhilosophy Club “Неделният клуб по философия”, Portuguese Irregular Verbs “Португалски неправилни глаголи”, Friends, Lovers, Chocolate “Приятели, любовници, шоколад”, The Right Attitude to Rain “Правилното отношение към дъжда”, The Careful Use of Compliments “За разумната употреба на комплиментите”, Finer Points of Sausage Dogs “Някои особености на саламовидните кучета”, At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances “Вилата на ограничените възможности.”
Robertson, James. The Testamentof Gideon Mack, EDNOROG Publishing House, Sofia, Bulgaria. “Завещанието на Гидиън Мак”
Marco Fazzini (Italy)
Poems, From Glasgow to Mercury and back (edizioni del bradipo, lugo).
Poems, Munchausen (edizioni del bradipo, lugo).
Maria Do Carmo Figueira (Portugal)
Crumey, Andrew. Mr. Mee – O Insólito Mr. Mee (Temas e Debates, 2002).
Mina, Denise. Exile – Culpados ou Inocentes (Ed. Presença, 2009).
Rowling, JK. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – Harry Potter e o Príncipe Misterioso (Ed. Presença, 2005). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Harry Potter e os Talismãs da Morte (Ed. Presença, 2007).
Tulin Er (Turkey)
Bahadur Bham, Min (director and screenwriter) and Abinash Bikram Shah (screenwriter). The Black Hen , subtitles 2015.
Burgess, Anthony. Shakespeare , forthcoming 2018.
Gordon, Lyndall. The Imperfect Life of T. S. Eliot, 2017.
Lavie, Talya (director and screenwriter). Zero Motivation, subtitles 2014.
Maugham, Somerset. Of Human Bondage, 2017.
Pawlikowski, Pawel (director and screenwriter) and Rebecca Lenkiewicz (screenwriter). Ida, subtitles 2013. Pocalyko, Michael. The Navigator, 2016.
Nóra Gálla (Hungary)
Banks, Iain M. The Hydrogen Sonata, 2016; Surface Detail, 2013; Feersum Endjinn, 2013; Matter, 2011; The Algebraist, 2009; Look to Windward, 2008; Excession, 2007.
Bradbury, Ray. October Country (short stories), forthcoming; A Medicine for Melancholy, 2011; The Golden Apples of the Sun, 2010; Long After Midnight, 2009; Machineries of Joy, 2007.
Gaiman, Neil. View from the Cheap Seats (essays), forthcoming 2016; Smoke & Mirrors, 2011; Fragile Things, 2008
Mirela Hristova (Bulgaria)
Burns, Elizabeth. “Clean Streets” (short story), SUVREMENNIK Literary Magazine (#1), 2010.
Burnside, John. “The Devil’s Footprints,’ SUVREMENNIK Literary Magazine (#3), 2010; “The Bell Ringer” (short story), SUVREMENNIK Literary Magazine (#4), 2009.
Crichton Smith, Iain. “The Murderer” (short story), SUVREMENNIK Literary Magazine (#1), 2010.
David, Stuart. “The Unlocked Door’ (short story), SUVREMENNIK Literary Magazine (#1), 2010.
Friel, Brian. “Faith Healer” (Play), AMAT-AH Publishing House, 2011.
O’Farrell, Maggie. The Hand That First Held Mine, AMAT-AH Publishing House, 2012.
Jenny Lu (China)
Kelman, James. Greyhounds for Breakfast.
Kennedy, A.L. Day.
Welsh, Louise. The Cutting Room.
Floriana Marinzuli (Italy)
Duffy, Carol Ann. Lo Splendore Del Tempio, 2012.
Virag Szalai (Hungary)
D'Soua, Steven and Diana Renner. Not Knowing, 2016.
Miller, Kelsey. Big Girl, 2016.
Evegeniya Zimina (Russia)
Morrissey, Sinead. "Signatures" (poem), in Inostrannaya Literatura (Foreign Literature), Issue 9, 2015.
Maria Milisavlijevic (SUISS 2009), former John McGrath Scholarship winner, won the the Kleist Promotion Award 2013 in Germany for her play Brandung. It was produced as a co-production of the Deutsches Theater, Berlin and the Ruhr Festival Recklinghausen in Germany and premiered on 5 June 2013. It can be ordered over S. Fischer Verlag Germany.