Written during the first COVID quarantine, “Dried Daisies Sprouting from my Desk” reflects the poet’s battle with her personal demons. It starts by exploring themes of family trauma, depression, and OCD, but it ends by celebrating change within yourself. This confessional coming-of-age book by a promising Greek poet, takes you by the hand and shows you that accepting your darkest moments and growing through them means taking control of your life. It reminds you that even dried daisies, when treated with care, can be beautiful, refreshing, and worthy of admiration.
Sophia-Maria Nicolopoulos is a SUISS alumna and Content and Publishing Editor from Greece. She chooses to see her work as the kind a Greek Ophelia would write had she navigated a world of boundless horror. She writes to make sense of the obscure places where reality meets the surreal. She hates the taste of fresh tomatoes but she loves feta and mozzarella cheese. In her free time, she removes cat hair from her clothes.